
Acceligence LtD

Acceligence LtD
ACCELIGENCE Ltd. (ACCELI) is a Cyprus-based company, established in 2019, engaged in cutting edge R&D activities in order to boost innovation capital, improve products and ensure alignment of the services to the state of the art. The company, since its establishment, started focalising its R&D activities on robotic systems and subsystems such as UAVs. ACCELI has a fully equipped laboratory for the research, mechanical design, programming, and assembly of its solution. As far as CHAMELEON project concerns, ACCELI is the coordinator of the project with strong contribution to the research and development part of the project. ACCELI contributes with its drone technologies by providing a fully custom Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (CHAMELEON prototype UAV, codename “Pulsar”), capable of changing its size and configuration, according to the specific needs of the project’s use cases. In addition, ACCELI’s drones “CERBERUS” and “SAITA” will be configured and used in secondary tasks of the project.

Adrestia Research and Development Private Company
Adrestia was founded in 2020 with the goal to achieve balance in Research and
Development and combine the best of the two worlds. The R&D department of
the company is comprised of a network of experts, partner SMEs, research
institutes, public sector enterprises, as well as highly qualified individuals. The
personnel of Adrestia has taken part in several programs supported by the EU
and the state for more than 18 years, developing competence in the areas of
cybersecurity, energy, tourism, health, and knowledge-sharing. Adrestia
manages projects in the aforementioned fields through the prism of technology,
ecology, and human connection.
Leading Task 2.4 CHAMELEON Architecture and project outcomes.
Adrestia is responsible for the design of CHAMELEON’s architecture in an open,
modular and efficient way with the goal to handle project’s requirements and
scenarios. The CHAMELEON’s architecture will be designed by taking into
consideration elements like: system requirements, risk factors, software issues,
communication elements, safety issues, hardware requirements and specific
application requirements.
Leading Task 4.1 CHAMELEON Plug-n-Play platform
The design and development of CHAMELEON’s Plug-n-Play platform will aid in
the utilisation of resources from cloud to edge and edge to cloud while at the
same time being able to span both vertically and horizontally in an ecosystem
of Cooperative Edge UAVs and Fixed Wings Devices. Finally, CHAMELEON’s
Plug-n-Play platform will be able to scale in and out resources upon request
while providing an overview of the available resources.
Leading Task 5.3 CHAMELEON Store, brokering and matchmaking.
Adrestia is also responsible for the design and development of CHAMELEON’s
store and broker in attempt to create a platform to be exploited in WP6. This
task will tackle the connection between buyers and suppliers of smart services
by taking into account a plethora of criteria such as: size of buyer’s
organisation, cost, time, distance, due date, quality, price, technical capability,
financial position, past performance, attitude and flexibility. At the same time,
matchmaking’s quality and performance in order to achieve minimal cost in
terms of both time and computational complexities.
In addition to leading the three tasks described above, Adrestia has also
general effort distributed among all work packages in a total of 16 different
tasks enabling us to have a more comprehensive view of the whole project and
continuously aiding CHAMELEON throughout its lifecycle.


AiDEAS is a team of proven researchers and engineers with extensive track records in many areas of AI and machine learning development. Our team members have unique expertise in developing novel algorithms for solving important existing and/or emerging problems as well as leading award-winning academic research. Our main role in the CHAMELEON project is to develop tools for livestock monitoring. In addition we will also develop tools for agriculture and forestry.
Diputación de Ávila
Diputación de Ávila
Diputación de Ávila is the public institution in charge of the provincial government of Ávila, composed by 247 municipalities where Diputación develops its activity.
The forest surface covers more than two of three parts of the province and Diputación works on the prevention of wildfires, through the promotion of forest management, protection of natural resources, and contribution to fire extinction services. The role in CHAMELEON is the support of a pilot site where the technological improvements and new uses can be applied, with sustainable
management services in the spotlight.

Security & Defense chez Delair
Delair is a leading european provider of commercial drone-based high performance solutions. Its long-range drone and software solutions are used globally by customers in industries such as utilities, construction, agriculture, forestry, transportation, mining and oil & gas as well as in the Security and Defense.
With 11 years of existence, 30,000+ flight hours, 2 millions of km and more than 3,000 operational drones made in France but with worldwide recognition in 75 countries, Delair has proven its capacity to tackle technological challenges in a young industry through innovation.
For the Chameleon project, Delair will share its expertise in drone use cases for agriculture, forestry and livestock management and will provide the consortium with its fixed-wing UX11 AG and DT26 drones enabling long distance flights for the most demanding mission over large areas.

Johanniter Österreich Ausbildung und Forschung gem. GmbH
The Johanniter Research and Innovation Centre is part of the Johanniter Österreich Ausbildung und Forschung gemGmbH (JOAFG), active since 2012 and focused on finding innovative and sustainable solutions for existing problems. The research team is multidisciplinary and includes representatives from the following disciplines: Molecular biology and behavior, sociology, psychology, anthropology, socioeconomics, economics, natural science and communication science.
As part of the CHAMELEON project, JOAFG will be responsible for the applicability and piloting of Chameleon. JOAFG will also contribute to understanding the main barriers, risks and potential of drones in agriculture, forestry and rural areas, as well as contributing to research on plant and animal health and agri-environmental monitoring requirements. JOAFG will also be responsible for the Chameleon Data Management plan and focus on dissemination activities.

Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry
LAMMC has expertise in identifying tree damage and assessing the cause of the damage. Explores interaction between phytopathogenic fungi, insects and forest ecosystem functions. Conducts research on the diversity of insects and fungi in forests. Conducts research on forests
yield prediction, carbon sequestration and biomass quantification in forests. LAMMC is the responsible authority for Lithuanian ICP forests level II monitoring since 1989.
The main role of Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry (LAMMC) in this project is to support State Forest Enterprises and Lithuanian authorities responsible for implementation of ICP Forests level II to monitor forest condition and health status. To capture
temporal changes of forests health and identify the timely emergence of pests and pathogens in forest stands by linking in situ collected data with modular and reconfigurable UAV remote sensing system.

Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania
CIHEAM Chania is the 4th constituent institute of CIHEAM, the International Centre for
Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies, an Intergovernmental Organisation founded in
1962 under the joined agreement of 7 southern European countries: France, Greece, Italy,
Portugal, Spain, Turkey, and Yugoslavia. Since 1986, MAICh pursues its three main
complementary missions through networked research, post-graduate specialised education
and facilitation of regional debate with focus in the fields of Business Economics and
Management, Geoinformation in Environmental Management, Sustainable Agriculture, and
has established itself as an authority in Mediterranean agriculture, Food and Rural
Development. MAICh and the Industrial and Digital Innovations Research Group (indigo – at the School of Production Engineering and Management (PEM
– ( of the Technical University of Crete, will collaborate for the
CHAMELEON project. Indigo team puts an extremely high priority on research and
development activities that traverse four pillars: Process Engineering, Circular Economy,
Environmental Engineering and Digital Innovation, applied to various production and supply
systems incl. Industrial, Agricultural, Energy and Water.
MAICh and TUC are responsible for the implementation of the CHAMELEON pilot use case in
Greece, which focuses on the efficient livestock monitoring and management in Crete,
elaborating the CHAMELEON demo campaign under the WP6, also assessing the
CHAMELEON platform. Moreover, the working team is responsible to perform the
stakeholders' use cases, requirements, and the rural economy centered workshop for
addressing the gaps and needs in terms of usability, tailoring, and compliance, also to
support the development of bundles and services for UAV-Assisted Livestock Monitoring.


Squaredev is a Belgium-based SME focusing on AI systems and research. Our purpose is to use technology to improve peoples' lives. We research artificial intelligence and build systems that provide actionable and explainable intelligence. Squaredev's services can be applied in several domains such as e-health, financial, IoT and cybersecurity. Leveraging our expertise in Big Data Analytics, Graph Technologies and Machine Learning we empower our products with cutting-edge technology for guaranteed results and reliable decision making. All SQD employees have been involved for several years in FP6, FP7 and H2020 projects as Project Coordinators, Work Package leaders, Project Managers or Software Developers. Therefore, SQD has the administrative and technical capacity to participate in the Project, having in-depth knowledge of the processes to be followed.
In the context of the project SQD will be involved in technical development of the project platform. Specifically, the main role of Squaredev will be to configure the Decision Support System (DSS) module & to design the architecture and develop a robust and reliable GIS-based Decision Support System. Furthermore, Squaredev’s team will contribute on the AI services and on-boarding of services, the development and support the proof-of-concept operation. The overall contribution aims to the maximization of interoperability with legacy and future agriculture monitoring systems.

Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Precision agriculture and Cartography (PAFYC) is a research scientific group belonging to Castilla-La Mancha University (UCLM) in Spain. We are focus on developing and applying geomatic products for precision agriculture and
forestry management decision support systems. We are focus on developing new to technologies to model and characterize plant canopies (crop and forestry) to support decision support systems, improving irrigation efficiency (precision irrigation) from agronomic and
engineering perspective and, developing decision support systems to agriculture systems management using precision agriculture techniques.
UCLM is the leaders of WP2. Conceptualisation, use cases and system architecture and T4.3. CHAMELEON, bundles, services for agriculture and rural areas.

Unparallel Innovation, Lda
UNPARALLEL Innovation is a Portuguese technological SME that makes and sells digital technologies (SW & HW) and that provides consultancy services on digitisation with a strong foundation on Research & Innovation. In CHAMELEON, Unparallel is assuming the role of leader of the CHAMELEON (drone, digital) innovation platform and also the leader of the CHAMELEON Open Call management process.

Universidad de Salamanca
The research group TIDOP from the University of Salamanca, belongs to the Department of Cartographic and Research Engineering. Characterized by having a multidisciplinary team including geoinformatics, engineers, mathematicians, and physicians. The research group is focused on three main thematic pillars: geospatial industry, renewable energies and analysis of structures and materials. One of the main strengths of TIDOP is the transfer of technology, with more than 12 patents and 32 intellectual properties.
Regarding the CHAMELEON project, USAL will be responsible for the dissemination activities, and will be involved on the development of the CHAMELEON solutions for drones and for multipurpose onboarding, especially working on 3D scanning and monitoring technologies, and on the development of the digital infrastructure for data storage and assessment.